Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We know here at McIff dental care, Flossing isn't the most convenient thing to do in your busy life. We just thought we would give you some encouragement with some statistics about flossing and some tips. Enjoy! 

Facts about flossing :
In 2010, Healthy People released some statistics about oral hygiene. These statistics showed that only about half of the American population claim to floss daily. In addition, 18.5% were found not to  floss at all. If that number doesn't impress you, check out this fact: A person who flosses once a day should use about 122 yards of floss every year. However, sales statistics show that only an average of 18 yards of floss per person is sold each year. Does that put it into perspective for you?
  • 73% of people say they would rather go grocery shopping than floss
  • Women are more likely to floss than men
  • People aged 31-60 are more likely to floss than other age groups
  • Approximately 40% of individuals who floss are flossing incorrectly

The Right way to floss:
When most people floss, they thread the floss through their teeth and then “saw” back and forth. This technique is actually harmful as it can wear the tooth. Continually flossing in this manner could ultimately result in creating a groove in the tooth.
The correct way to floss is to start at the top of the tooth near the gum line, and bring the floss down. Then, move onto a clean part of the floss and go to the next tooth. You don’t want to use the same part of the floss, because after one use, it is covered with plaque. Reusing it would just be adding to the bacteria that is already there.
You also want to be careful not to floss too aggressively, or you could cut into your gums and cause bleeding. Flossing once a day is plenty, and it is recommended that you floss at night. Flossing at night is more effective in the prevention of tooth decay or gum disease; otherwise, the bacteria would be sitting in your mouth overnight.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do you want to get rid of bad breath?

Most people are aware when they have bad breath (halitosis). If you have been told that
 you have bad breath, ask your dentist if he or she can help you identify the cause. 
If it is found that your bad breath is due to an oral condition, your favorite Pleasant Grove
 dentist may be able to develop a treatment plan to help eliminate it. 
The most common reasons  for bad breath are:

Food: Specific spices and foods such as garlic contribute to breath odor. Here is how
 the food you eat can cause breath odor. The food you eat is absorbed into your 
bloodstream and is transferred to your lungs. Your lungs process the air and this air 
absorbs the odor of chemicals in the food from the blood and carries it out as you exhale.
 Brushing, flossing and mouthwash are only temporarily solutions. The odor will 
continue until the body eliminates the food.
  • Irregular brushing and flossing: Without daily flossing and brushing, food particles may stay inside your mouth, causing bacteria to grow. This will cause bad breath. Food particles typically collect between your teeth, on your tongue and around your gums. As these particles rot they create an unpleasant odor in your mouth.
  • Dry mouth (Xerostomia): Dry mouth occurs when the flow of saliva decreases for some reason in your mouth. Most people are unaware that saliva actually cleans the mouth and remove particles that cause odor. Reasons for dry mouth include taking medications, problems with salivary gland (see our "oral cancer screening issue,) or breathing through the mouth continuously. Talk to your dentist, if you are unsure if you suffer from dry mouth. Your Riverside Dental Center dentist may suggest various alternatives including an artificial saliva, using sugarless candy, or increasing your fluid intake.
  • Tobacco: Not only does tobacco can cause bad breath, it is harmful on your mouth and body in multiple ways including increased chance of oral cancer. Talk to your dentist for tips ceasing completely the use of tobacco.
  • Medical disorder: Bad breath may also be caused by a local infection in your respiratory tract, postnasal drip, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance, liver or kidney ailment. If your Riverside Dental Center dentist determines that your mouth is healthy, he or she may refer you to a doctor or a specialist to further investigate the cause of bad breath.
A few final tips to maintain good oral health and avoid bad breath: Schedule regular to McIff Dental visits for a professional cleaning and checkup. Also brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove food debris and plaque. Finally, brush your tongue, which many people do not do on a regular basis and floss once a day to clean between your teeth.

Truth about mouthwash: Contrary to popular belief, mouthwash liquids are cosmetic and do not have a long-lasting effect on bad breath. If you find yourself using a breath freshener regularly to hide unpleasant mouth odor, talk to your Pleasant Grove dentist. He or she may recommend special types of mouth rinse to prevent tooth decay or decrease plaque build-up.